Tuesday, May 8, 2012

People I Wish You All Knew

As we travel on our way through this world below,
we meet up with some very special and
often unusual people who are like treasures
you want everyone to know:

Luis Sorto, my very special Honduran friend who, because of his special talents and amazing personality, could live anywhere in the world, has been given lucrative offers to move to the United States. Instead, he has chosen to obey God and remain an active citizen in his home country of Honduras.  He reaches out to his own people with the love of Jesus by feeding the hungry and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Having known and worked with him over twenty years, I count him as a great person I wish you all could know.

Rev. Kantharoa Meesala is a special man that I met in his home villiage of Vyyru, India. The story of his conversion to Christ and call to the ministry is very compelling. How his eyes twinkle as he speaks of the beatings and imprisonments he has suffered over the years for his testimony! He and his family have an apostolic ministry that is reaching hundreds of Indian communities with the Gospel of Jesus through their personal efforts and those of young men and women they have trained who often pay the ultimate sacrifice to share Jesus with their Hindu neighbors.