On October 24, 2015 I reached the 65 year old marker.
It was a great time of celebration for me. My Family, Friends, and Church Congregation went all out to honor and bless me on this occasion. Parties, cards, gifts, emails, ecards, Facebook posts, phone calls all to wish me well. I feel really blessed with good people in my life.. I received well wishes from all over the United States and from people as far away as India, Philippines, Myannmar, Korea, Kenya, South Africa, England, Honduras, El Salvador and more.
I began preaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ shortly after my 16th birthday in 1966. That was 49 years ago! I am now in my 50th year of "surrender" to the Will of God for my life. The friends and companions that I have gathered over the years are a huge part of my "compensation" making me truly rich in all those things money cannot buy!
I recalled this morning a dream my Mother, Irene Pearl King Thomason, shared with me while I was a teenage preacher. In her dream she saw huge church buildings filled with large crowds of people and parking lots loaded with cars. These churches were everywhere, but I was not there. Then she saw a huge six lane freeway packed with cars going in each direction. There was an exit from this freeway that led to a small building beside the freeway with a drive through window. Cars were lined up all the way from the exit to this little drive through window where she saw me, handing out food through the window to all the passerbys.
As I reflect on my mother's dream and upon the past 49 years of ministry, I can see that God has brought thousands of hungry souls to my "window" to be fed The Word of God! I thank Him for the great honor of being able to serve Him in my small way. This does not mean that I am ready to quit, because the hungry are still coming and Jesus said that if I truly love Him, I must "feed His lambs".
So, thanks be unto God for this wonderful life I have had and do now enjoy! Thank God for the wonderful people who have passed through my life and for those who are with me still!
Onward to the Prize that is set before us!
Ronny D. Thomason
Senior Saint