2019 Arrived and January is now already half over. We are still getting used to the idea and trying to finish out 2018 so we can close the books on it and look ahead. The past year was a year of blessing and opportunity. Ruth and I were blessed to preach the Gospel in Kenya, Africa again with our friends of Burning Plow Ministries (Don & Becky Cameron). We are really bonding with the Kenyan Believers and love going there. Christmas found me going back to Amarillo to be with my daughter, Heather and to have a brief visit with my son Aaron and his family. I was also able to see a few "old" friends during my short time there. Ruth stayed home to host some of her family who came for Christmas from Tennessee. We had a great Christmas celebration with our Cornerstone Church family and Drs. Robert & Glenyce Doorn.
After the New Year, Ruth and Daylan (her 12 year old granddaughter) flew up to Knoxville for a week with family. Ruth was blessed on her birthday with a tour through the Vanderbilt Mansion in Ashville, NC. This was the fulfillment of a 20 year old dream. Thanks to her daughter Angielyn, she had a wonderful birthday.
As I get older, it seems truly as though the sands of time have sped up and we are running out of time to make our mark on this world. I am determined to fight for good health and mobility so I can keep going to the nations and to places here to preach, teach, exhort and encourage people in the Lord. I am excited about this year's opportunities from the Lord. Ruth is teaching, preaching, writing, blogging more and more. It is a joy to watch her go! I am also blessed to be able to mentor several younger men and women who are doing awesome things all over the world. God has given me favor to be allowed to speak into their lives the wisdom and insight that I have gained in over 50 years of ministry. These younger ministers cause me to believe in the generation that follows me and have high hopes for the Work of The Kingdom!
Many have asked if I have a fresh word for the new year. All I can say is that God has not changed! All around us we see changes, many for the worse, but this one thing remains true, our God is an unchanging God! Jesus and His Word endure forever, and of His Kingdom there shall be no end!
Many have asked if I have a fresh word for the new year. All I can say is that God has not changed! All around us we see changes, many for the worse, but this one thing remains true, our God is an unchanging God! Jesus and His Word endure forever, and of His Kingdom there shall be no end!
"You can't lose with the stuff we use!"