Tuesday, May 21, 2019


It was our special honor to recognize my lovely wife, Ruth, as an Ordained Minister of the Gospel this past Mother's Day. Since our marriage in 2008, she has be used in a particularly powerful way to preach and teach, not only at Cornerstone Church, but in Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, Myanmar and wherever the opportunity has risen.  She is a life long student of the Word of God, and in the past 11 years of our married life, she has been sitting at the feet of yours truly and of some of the most anointed men and women of God in the world today.  Her qualities and qualifications are undeniable. God has certainly chosen her for Gospel Ministry.  It is our (Cornerstone Church of Jacksonville, Fl.) part to recognize what God is doing in her life.  She joins an impressive list of Gospel Ministers that have been sent forth from this church.