Wednesday, October 9, 2019

September 25-30, 2019 I traveled to Honduras with my friend from Atlanta, Ga. Rev. Ken Browning to visit with a couple of ministries we have worked with over the years: Workers Together With God in Comayagua and Love Without Boundaries in Zambrano. 

Our Comayagua visit included meeting with the Hospital Staff, School Staff, and preaching in the church all founded by the ministry of Jim and Linda Tjelmeland with Francisco and Anamy Jocol..  We also spoke at a Couples Meeting, Pastors' Meeting, and a church in nearby La Paz with my old friend Rey Vallecillo. 

The Clinic Hospital is being required to move, so we were there for some of the negotiations. At this time it looks like they have secured a two story hotel which will work great. 17  air conditioned hotel rooms with a bathroom in each, plus a nice area for operating and delivery rooms. It also has secure off street parking. This is all good!

 We were blessed to be in the country for their Day of the Bible Celebrations. On Sunday we were in Zambrano to participate in a city wide church gathering in the town's central park for a special worship service to honor the Bible. We spent some quality time with Pastors Danny & Pahola Sorto before leaving the country on Monday. 

It was a quick trip, but very rewarding. I enjoyed traveling with Ken Browning. He is a remarkable man, full of wisdom, experience and vision. He makes a great missions partner!

Rev. Ken Browning
Atlanta Georgia