Saturday, August 22, 2020

Dr D.J. Price


DR. D.J. PRICE went to be with the Lord last night, August 21st after a battle with Covid-19 contracted while at a rehab center where he was recovering from a broken leg. Dr DJ was our friend along with his precious wife, Amy since we met at a ministers conference in 2001. I was drawn to him by the Holy Spirit. We spent many occasions talking about the things of God and ways to have an effective ministry.  He was full of wisdom, wit and humor. We always enjoyed their annual visit to our church to speak. They brought a special anointing and grace to the meetings.  We love their heart for people and world vision. DJ was so proud of Amy's accomplishments and supported her in them. I am thankful for all the times we had with him. Pray for Amy and the family during this time of grief. Thank God for the Blessed Hope of all who believe in Jesus!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I have lived near this beach for 25 years. We come here often to walk along the sea side and to listen to the waves coming ashore. On a slow traffic day it can be a very peaceful close-to-God experience. It is a great place to pray and recharge. Only 10 minutes from my home but it can feel like a planet away. I love to stand on the shore and just let my eyes stretch out to the horizon and think of the world beyond. Truly 
God is real! the evidence is all around!