Wednesday, September 1, 2021



I have found that I am using the words above or their type more often now than ever before. I am thankful that I am a survivor and these words are not being spoken over my passing. I am getting tired of all these people dying around me though. I hate death and consider it an enemy, even though it has no lasting victory over a Christian Believer. I still hate death and what it does to good people.  In this season of almost everyone's passing being blamed on Covid, we know that the numbers prove no more are dying this year than in previous years. Then why is our perception changed to where is seems like death is everywhere?  Could it be due to the death count being reported with greater frequency? Perhaps. I do know that death is part of the human experience and few are able to escape its eventuality (Enoch and Elijah). So as I often say, "if you live long enough, you will die". The question is when, how and what then? We have little control over the when and how, but we can prepare for the "what then?" Every time we speak words of condolences to someone's passing, we should be reminded to get our own house in order. It amazes me how many people do not. One of these days either my number or yours will come up. Are we prepared? What we do now will affect our hereafter. It is the truth and we cannot escape. So here is the deal: Repent and Believe on the Name of Jesus Christ for your salvation. Declare openly and loudly that Jesus is now Lord of your life (owner and ruler) and you will be safe in the hereafter. Making Jesus Lord of your life is how you take care of this important matter. Just do it!!! You cannot stop death, but you can out smart it and live beyond the effect of dying.

"I know they are in a better place". Let that be words that people can confidently and truthfully say when you have passed away. have found that I am using the words above or their type more often now than ever before. I am thankful that I am a survivor and these words are not being spoken over my passing. I am getting tired of all these people dying around me though. I hate death and consider it an enemy, even though it has named on Covid, we know that the numbers prove no more are dying this year than in previous years. Then why is our perception changed to where is seems like death is everywhere?  Could it be due to the death count being reported with greater frequency? Perhaps. I do know that death is part of the human experience and few are able to escape its eventuality (Enoch and Elijah). So as I often say, "if you live long enough, you will die". The question is when, how and what then? We have little control over the when and how, but we can prepare for the "what then?" Every time we speak words of condolences to someone's passing, we should be reminded to get our own house in order. It amazes me how many people do not. One of these days either my number or yours will come up. Are we prepared? What we do now will affect our hereafter. It is the truth and we cannot escape. So here is the deal: Repent and Believe on the Name of Jesus Christ for your salvation. Declare openly and loudly that Jesus is now Lord of your life (owner and ruler) and you will be safe in the hereafter. Making Jesus Lord of your life is how you take care of this important matter. Just do it!!! You cannot stop death, but you can out smart it and live beyond the effect of dying.

"I know they are in a better place". Let that be words that people can confidently and truthfully say when you have passed away.