Tuesday, April 19, 2022

 I was thinking about my friend James Maloney's last message preached at our church in August of 2020 before he went to Heaven that December. He spoke about "Connecting With God As Sons" the night before, he spoke on "Being God's Friend". Both of these messages were from the heart of a man who had discovered the infinite value of a deep personal relationship with God. This from someone. well acquainted with the supernatural manifestations of signs, wonders and miracles which were quite common in his ministry. He once told me that each miracle and each healing just made him want to know Jesus more. James was a true friend to me. We talked often about a lot of deep things. In my last few conversations with him in the month before his passing, the conversation was all about relationships. He actually sent me several photos of his family. He was so proud of his new grand daughter! James taught me a lot about God's supernatural gifts, but in the end it came down to "who do you love".