FLAGS ARE AT HALF MAST ALL OVER THIS NATION TODAY as we mourn the deaths of 19 school children, 2 teachers and the lone gunman who shot them in cold blood. This is an absolute tragedy of the highest proportions. Its impact will be felt by us all for a long time. The names and pictures of the victims are already published as well as all the usual talk about whose fault it is. Calls for gun control immediately started rolling in from those same voices who demand the freedom to abort babies inside and out of the womb. Attacks on individual freedoms and the Second Amendment are predictable as ignorant arguments come forth to further political agendas. Caught in the middle are the grieving families and shaken community of Uvalde, Texas. This scenario is repeated over and over again every time such an outrageous tragedy occurs and nothing changes.
I believe that if not a single gun existed in the United States, there would still be mass killings. The perpetrators would simply choose different weapons like automobiles, bombs, knives, poison, etc. This is because the means to kill is not the problem! The root cause of such horrors is the depraved condition of the human soul. People are lost without God and void of morality. Children grow up in a godless environment with no moral compass and no adults to guide the development of a conscious, that ability to self govern.They are brought up in an environment where "no" is a dirty word and discipline is a lost art.
The solution for this madness is not gun control or more invasive government snooping into our privacy. The answer is to revive our lost national morality. Repent of the failed course we have been on and turn back to the morals of a civilized society. We must return to God, His Word, His Laws and His Love. Children need to grow up in a real family with loving caring parents (Male and Female) and taught value for Human life, respect of private property, and the rule of Law. This takes time and effort and will not be done unless we believe these principals ourselves. That is why people clamor for the government to do something. The same government who just voted to spend 40 billion dollars on weapons of war for the Ukraine war. We must repent of our stupidity, laziness and hypocrisy!
What kind of message does this hypocrisy send to the next godless eighteen year old who grew up in a loveless hate filled confused environment where he was taught nothing good and everything evil?
This boy who just murdered 21 people in Texas is the product of a society that is rotting and dying for want of Jesus Christ and the love of Father God. It is my determination to spread the word that "Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above Him there is no other, Jesus is the Way".