Thursday, December 24, 2020

 Dr James Maloney

It is Christmas Eve 2020 and the whole Christian World is getting ready to celebrate the most wonderful event in human history, the Birth of Jesus Christ. It is truly a wonderful time of the year. This year, Christmas is even more welcome because of all the events of 2020 that have challenged us all. For me and a host of others, Tuesday December 22 was a shocker when our friend and fellow minister James Maloney departed this life for his eternal home in Heaven.  It felt like a "kick in the gut" and unreal. Though Jim's life was a long tale of suffering, pain, and the fiery trial that tested him, we still thought he could beat this one too and emerge victorious like countless times before. But alas, this was to be his last fight before being promoted to his better place.  Jim came down with a covid related pneumonia and was hospitalized in Dallas, Texas on December 11, 2020. Two weeks later he left his battle weary body and soared to His Lord's Presence.  Jim did not lose.  He gained a far better entrance into Glory than we can imagine. His life was that of a Soldier of the Cross who fought on the front lines of spiritual conflict in many nations of the world with an anointing to break the chains that bound whole people groups through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Jim believed, lived, and proclaimed the Miracle and Supernatural Power of Christ so everywhere he went, people were delivered and set free from demons, sicknesses, infirmities and addictions. Souls were saved on every continent for over 40 years of traveling ministry that literally wore his body out.  Yet, he would not stop. He would not let up until his final days. In recent years he had several near death experiences that left him unable to go, yet he would fight back and get back out there because "sick people need to be healed". His compassion for the sick and hurting drove him beyond his own human strength to the point that he learned to lean into the Lord and draw strength from the supernatural Jesus he had preached about for decades.  Some of the greatest miracles and healings of his ministry occurred when he himself could hardly stand up. So great was the presence of the Holy Spirit in his meetings. Now Jim is enjoying some rest in his new Heavenly Body and reaping the rewards of the Lord, who, according the the last sermon I heard him speak in person last August, is "my Friend". Yes Jim and Jesus were friends. Close friends.  
I am so glad that I can say that James Maloney is also my friend.  We could talk about anything. We could be serious and then light hearted and let our hair down. I always knew that I could count on him and trust him with my congregation. I never saw him abuse or offend people he was ministering with. It was like watching God love on people. Yes there were healings and miracles, signs and wonders, but in every case, he left people knowing that God loved them and that God cared. People would leave his meetings feeling loved, encouraged, and empowered.  Jim knew what real ministry was about. He always gave all he had and left nothing on the table. In his nearly 65 years, he lived a full, fruitful and effective life. He loved his wife Joy and his children and grandchildren with a passion. I know of many sacrifices he made to make it back home after each ministry engagement to be with his family. Our prayers are for them.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Adam and Julie Culp, Nepal


This picture of me and Adam Culp was taken at a coffee shop in Kathmandu, Nepal back in February 2020. Ruth and I were there with Adam & Julie Culp to Teach in a Ministry Training Center founded by Adam and to speak at the First Annual Nepal Kingsway Fellowship Int'l Minister's Conference.  Both events were highly successful and we had a great time making new friends.  Little did we know that from just a few miles east of where we were, a Chinese plague was already being unleashed upon the world. Within days of our return home, the world shut down. Air traffic from Asia was stopped and many missionaries were stranded and unable to get back to the United States. This included Adam and Julie and  their five children.  Through a series of events and by God's Grace, they eventually got out of Nepal and back to the States. Nepal has been shut down since March.  The Culps arrived back in Tulsa and are making preparations to return to Nepal in a few months.  In the mean-time they are traveling in the United States to meet their supporters and make new contacts.  It is their plan to raise the funds necessary to return to Nepal and continue being a blessing to that nation.

They arrived at our home yesterday. They will be ministering in our Wednesday mid week service tonight (Dec 9) and staying for next Sunday morning (Dec 13) before heading back to Tulsa where they are based.

I have known Adam and Julie since the early 1990's when I first met them at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa. They were students and friends of my daughter Heather during her time at ORU. Through Heather, I met these fine folks as well others.  In the years to follow, we have become close friends and ministry colleagues. I traveled to India, Myanmar and Nepal with Adam. Just a few years ago, at my insistence, Adam joined Kingsway Fellowship In'tl and has now established KFI in Nepal as a national organization giving credentials and support to a growing number of ministers. Many of these ministers have been serving God in a harsh environment without any covering or encouragement. Now they have an international ministry organization behind them thanks to Adam's efforts.  It is my joy to have been a part of this effort.

I grew up supporting missionaries. They have a special place in my heart and vision. It is always a delight to meet people who give up everything to take the Gospel to the Nations. Adam and Julie Culp are two of the most dedicated and selfless people I have ever known. Their whole family is committed to going where others will not go. They endure hardness and suffer deprivation willingly in order to establish God's work in remote places.  With Adam, I personally have been to the ends of the earth! 

I can without reservation, totally recommend this couple to you for love, support, partnership and prayers.

You can contact Adam at: or give directly through:$fhgttn

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

It is hard to believe that almost a year has passed since this picture was taken of Ruth and me with Papa Doorn at our annual Christmas service! Little did we know what lay ahead of us for the new year 2020.  Papa Doorn prophesied the "CHANGE" was coming. Wow! He nailed it for sure! On January 1st we decided to change locations of our church to a building on Atlantic Blvd. The move was completed in mid February just as Covid-19 was about to hit.  With the shut downs and some building permit delays, we were not able to have services in the new place until August. During those months we met in Robert and Irene Fellows' home. Some of our regular members have stopped coming and we still are less than half the size we were when this picture was taken. Our missions activity was severely cut back with only one trip to Nepal in February. We have sent a lot of support to help feed hungry people in Kenya, India, Nepal, Honduras and others. In all of this, God has been faithful to us all for which we are thankful. Ruth and I have made trips to Nepal, Des Moines, Iowa, Phoenix, Arizona, Spokane, Washington, Knoxville, Tennessee as well as several trips within the state of Florida. In all of this, we have avoided the dreaded virus and other sicknesses all to God's glory. Now we are about to celebrate another Christmas season and Papa Doorn (age 91) is scheduled to be with us again on December the 20th. This will be his 20th year in a row to be with us on Christmas Sunday! We are still in the midst of election controversy and praying constantly about the outcome. We believe the prophets and trust God for a great victory. 2021 is looking to be a great year for the Kingdom of God! I BELIEVE JESUS IS LORD!!!

Friday, September 4, 2020

 Seventeen years ago today, Sept. 4th, Norma Joyce Thomason was promoted to her Heavenly home at the age of 52. I met her in May 1969 and we were married the following March 1970. We had 33 years together and enjoyed a wonderful relationship. She was lovely, godly and deeply cared about everyone she met. A great Mother to Heather and Aaron, she poured her life and values into them. She was my wife, my friend and a wise confident. Her passing upset me terribly. The way she died was horrible and it deeply affected me. Then one day she came to see me in a dream.  She was all excited about her passage from this realm into the Presence of God. Her manner of death was nowhere in her mind. She just kept describing how two bronze angels carried her into the very presence of Jesus. She told how beautiful the angels were but she could not look at them because she could see Jesus getting closer and closer as they carried her to Him. She was full of joy and kept clapping her hands as she spoke. When the dream was over, I realized the truth of what the Apostle Paul wrote, "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"! The death scene that I kept seeing over and over was not what was on her mind at all!  I am sharing this because many today have been subjected to some horrific circumstances surrounding the death of a loved one.  For those who die in Christ it is a glorious moment filled with rapturous glory! Think on this!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

This past Sunday our church opened our new chapel with a GRAND OPENING celebration. Speaking at this event were my great friends James and Joy Maloney and Robert "Papa" Doorn. We had several guests from near and far to join our celebration. James Maloney, whom I have known since 1984, blessed us with two messages dealing with our relating to the Heavenly Father as 'friends". Papa Doorn shared his heart from over 60 years of ministry and encouraged us to move forward into the new things God has for us to do. You can access the audio versions of these messages at TALKBIBLE.SERMON.NET

Our heartfelt thanks to all who worked hard to make this moment possible and to the many who shared financially too.  Come see our new location at 7144 Atlantic Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32211


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Dr D.J. Price


DR. D.J. PRICE went to be with the Lord last night, August 21st after a battle with Covid-19 contracted while at a rehab center where he was recovering from a broken leg. Dr DJ was our friend along with his precious wife, Amy since we met at a ministers conference in 2001. I was drawn to him by the Holy Spirit. We spent many occasions talking about the things of God and ways to have an effective ministry.  He was full of wisdom, wit and humor. We always enjoyed their annual visit to our church to speak. They brought a special anointing and grace to the meetings.  We love their heart for people and world vision. DJ was so proud of Amy's accomplishments and supported her in them. I am thankful for all the times we had with him. Pray for Amy and the family during this time of grief. Thank God for the Blessed Hope of all who believe in Jesus!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I have lived near this beach for 25 years. We come here often to walk along the sea side and to listen to the waves coming ashore. On a slow traffic day it can be a very peaceful close-to-God experience. It is a great place to pray and recharge. Only 10 minutes from my home but it can feel like a planet away. I love to stand on the shore and just let my eyes stretch out to the horizon and think of the world beyond. Truly 
God is real! the evidence is all around!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Daylan is our 14 year old granddaughter who lives in Georgia. She just spent the weekend with us. It was a wonderful time for us all. She is very respectful, polite, helpful and entertaining.  She went swimming and walking with her grandma and helped us visit friends, attend church activities etc. We just had a fun time. I believe God is with her and is revealing Himself to her in special ways that will open her eyes to His destiny for her life. We prayed for the Lord to enter her life in powerful ways to teach her, protect her and fill her life with joy and peace. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020


The Devil or Satan is real. Demonic warfare is real. Angels are real. Spiritual Battle occurs everyday. You are the Prize. You are the battleground. You must realize this and engage in the fight. (1 Timothy 6:12)
God has gotten you the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ, (1 Cor. 15:57) but you must act on that fact by taking control of who dominates your life.  There is no magic wand, formula, or "special grace" that makes you immune to this battle. You must engage and decisively deal with those demonic powers. Here is how:
James 4:7 (KJV)
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Step One: Submit yourself to God. This means you surrender your will to His will and decide once and for all to follow His instructions in all matters concerning your life. There is no other way.
Step Two: You must actively, assertively, and energetically resist the devil. You cannot ignore, entertain, or fellowship with the devil. You must literally boot him out of your life. 
Step Three: He will flee from you! This is something you must believe, act on in faith and count done each time you resist him.  God's Word says if you do Steps 1 and 2 then you can expect Step 3.  Have faith in God's Word. Take responsibility for your life and circumstances. Take the authority God has given you in the Mighty Name of Jesus and keep the devil out!
Romans 16:20 (KJV)
20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Dr. Ron DePriest

I first met Ron DePriest about 30 years ago in Broken Bow, Nebraska. He was a traveling Evangelist and I was Pastor of Christian Life Center. He was touring the area speaking at Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowships, Schools and Churches. We immediately became friends for life and have enjoyed each other ever since. He and Minnie have been to our churches in Nebraska and Florida many times over the years. I never ceased to marvel at the Grace of God that was displayed in this man. His testimony is legendary. His passion for Christ and for people was intense. The things he had to overcome just to be a saved man, let alone a Preacher of the Gospel was testimony to the faithfulness of God working in his life. I loved being able to invite him to the pulpit and introduce him as "a living example of the Grace and Mercy of God".  He was a strong man, surviving the biker gangs, prison, Viet Nam, and the rigors of college (earning a PhD) and then the ups and downs of Gospel Ministry. He enjoyed great victories and suffered betrayals. He never quit! He, with the help of his faithful wife, always bounced back. Later in life he had a successful  heart transplant and overcame cancer too. He is gone too soon for us, but oh the joy in Heaven when this son came home!
See you soon my Friend!
His memorial service will be Friday, July 17th at 7:14 p.m. at Heritage Church @ 7216 US 42, Florence, Kentucky


Each day I marvel at the Wisdom of God! How magnificent and majestic is His Omniscient Mind! I am convinced that He has everything already figured out. He sees the end from the beginning and has everything planned out way ahead of time. I know that sometimes it appears that things are getting out of control. Events in today's news look like total chaos. People who look constantly on these present events run the risk of losing hope. But, if we continue to look at events through the eyes of our Great God, we gain His perspective. This is when hope revives, thrives, and becomes dominant. Seeing as God sees brings us out of fear, despair and helplessness into joy, peace and love that cannot be naturally understood. I am so glad I learned a very long time ago to always cast my cares upon the Lord with the understanding that He cares for me. We can easily get lost in the news of the day, but we must always turn our eyes upon Jesus. In His face, all earthly things grow strangely dim! I know I am using song lyrics and scripture verses, but what you are full of will come out eventually. What is pouring out of your mouth lately? Jesus said that we speak from the abundance of our heart. What is in your heart will manifest in your spoken words. What are you saying lately? What does it reveal about your heart's contents? If you do not like what you are hearing, flush out your heart with the "water of the Word". We can all use a good washing on a regular basis, right? God's Word will cleanse your mind and fill it with the mind of God. You will begin to look at life from God's perspective which will bring you to reality, truth and freedom. May HE bless you with His peace that passes understanding!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Ruth is on her way today to the Knoxville Tennessee area to spend a few days with two of her daughters and several of her grandchildren. Daughter Angielyn has a milestone birthday coming up and that's all the excuse Ruth needed. LOL. Ruth loves her family so much that she takes every opportunity to show it. Half of her luggage was gifts to give out while she is there, plus cash to buy more gifts after she gets there. Last week we drove to Savannah to see other grandkids and yes we took gifts there too.  The one granddaughter that we did not see on that trip, was mailed a big box of gifts the next day.  Ruth has more than one love language, but giving is right at the top. She always remembers to tithe off her income and never fails to add a little "love gift for Jesus" on top. She gives to our neighbors, the maintenance crew at our condos and even to the men working right now to repair our windows.  Usually when we go to church, she has her purse in one hand and a gift bag in the other to give to someone at church.  She does not forget me either! Every time she goes shopping, she brings me a "surprise". Often she is gone for several hours shopping only to return home with something she found for me and nothing else. All of the loose change that I leave laying around is quickly snatched up and taken to the "Jonathon Culp Jar". This is a special vase at the church where we collect special offerings to send to our Missionaries Adam & Julie Culp to help care for their special needs son. Ruth is fanatical about all of our coins going into that jar!

Don't misunderstand me, I love to give also! What I am sharing here about Ruth is no secret and it is something I am very happy with.  Giving is fun! The Bible says that "it is more blessed to give than to receive" Acts 20:35. Ruth and I know that the key to living the Blessed Life is to be a Blesser!

When I dropped Ruth off at the airport this morning for her trip to Tennessee, I could tell she was focused on getting there to be a blessing to her family. I love her for that!  God is Good!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Left to Right: Norma Thomason, Ruth Thomason, Irene Thomason

On this Mother's Day 2020 I reflect back on the Mothers that I have been blessed to live with in my life time. One gave me birth, one bore my children, one takes care of me in my Senior years. All three great Mothers to me and others. Two are in Heaven (Norma & Irene) but all three brought Heaven to me. I cannot praise God enough for blessing my life so much.

These Mothers have a lot in common. First of course is me. Beyond that; they all believed in and trusted in Jesus Christ. They are Women of Faith, Love, and enduring Hope. They are all full of the Holy Spirit (with Tongues) and full of the Word of God.  Each of them wore out several Bibles and had prayer lives that shook Heaven and Earth. All three are true worshippers of God too!

 They loved their children with the primary goal of salvation for each one. They made time each day to lift up their children to the Lord, not in fear or worry, but in faith, believing in God's Covenant to save their household. They loved their husbands too! My Dad and I are blessed to have these ladies in our lives.

To have just one of these Moms would have been awesome, but I have all three! This is proof that God loves me! I know this and I give Him thanks for His love and blessing. I guess you noticed that I still claim them as present realities in my life even though Norma and Irene are in Heaven. It is because they are forever a part of me and who I am. They live on in their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Everyone should be so blessed!


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

I heard yesterday that 19 people have died of the Corona Virus so far in Duval County (Jacksonville, Florida). That is sad, especially for the families involved and I hate it,  I also heard that last week in our city alone, 75 unborn babies were aborted. No notice given to that by the people in political office or by the health professionals, all who want us to believe they care about human life and who are willing to shut down the economy and suspend our constitutional freedoms to avoid the needless loss of American lives. If you could find the statistics on how many babies were aborted since the Covid-19 pandemic has been going on world wide, I am sure the totals would far exceed the number of pandemic deaths.

If anyone bothers to do the math, it is clear that something is really wrong with modern man. He can justify destroying a thriving economy and trashing our freedoms to save a few lives from a virus, while at the same time forcing taxpayers to fund abortions at alarming rates. Could these seemingly unrelated events be somehow connected? How long can we play our self deceived games of pretending to care about lives and ignore the fact that we have departed from the living God to go after the god Molech (who demands that we sacrifice our children)? Millions serve this cruel god unwittingly, but adhere to his philosophy of death and genocide. In Scripture, God allowed pestilences (pandemics) to ravage populations because of their pagan practices. He even allowed the Canaanites (who worshipped Molech) to be destroyed or driven out of the land by the Israelites. He later sent plagues to turn the Israelites away from the same practices. I don't believe God's attitude toward those who murder innocent children has changed. When are we going to do the math and connect the evil that is happening in the world to our own unrepentant ways? God said He would heal our land if we who are called by His Name repent and turn from our wicked ways.
(2 Chronicles 7:14).
Just saying we are against this and other wicked practices is not enough. By remaining silent, we give consent. Christians must rise up and speak out against this evil.  By all means necessary, we MUST go to the polls and vote for those who support the unborn's right to live and vote out those who support abortion. If Christians do not vote on God's side of this issue, then we can only expect the obvious consequences. DO THE MATH!


Monday, April 27, 2020

I was told again recently that my sermons would be a lot shorter if I would not use so much Scripture. Well, first of all, I LOVE the Scriptures! It is the Word of God that the Wise Man  said was more precious than gold or silver.(Proverbs 3:13-16). This is the Word that produces faith in us (Romans 10:17) which is important since we cannot please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).  Secondly, my sermons are not long (25-45 minutes on average). If anything, I should increase the amount of Scripture in my sermons because so many people are woefully lacking in faith and truly ignorant of the Word of God. In fact, the great preachers (Jesus included) preached and taught for hours at a time. Once the Apostle Paul preached all night, stopping only briefly to raise a youth from the dead who fell asleep and fell out a window. He went on to preach until the sunrise the next morning. And lastly, in all humility, I don't really know much apart from the Word of God. I have made it my life's purpose to study the scriptures for in them I learn more about Jesus (John 5:39) and to preach the Word of God because that is what I was called of God to do way back when I was 16 years old. (2 Tim 4:2). I know that in order for people to be saved, they have to hear the Word preached (Romans 10:8) for faith to be present in them to be saved. Apart from the Holy Scripture, I am as ignorant as the rest of the lost world. (Romans 1;18)
Someone once asked me, "Don't you know anything apart from the Bible?" My answer is this, "since Jesus Christ is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, does it not make sense to start and finish with Him in all pursuit of truth?" (Colossians 2:3)
I just don't understand why anyone would think that I use too many Scriptures in my sermons!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Greg Davis, my friend of many years and a Pastor in the Florida Panhandle, passed to his eternal reward on Tuesday evening from a long time condition. He was a great man who loved life to the full. A wonderful family man and loving Pastor, he preached with power and energy in true Holy Ghost anointing. He was fun to watch! I can see him now shouting and dancing in Glory! Greg blessed me on many occasions with an encouraging word from the Lord. I will miss him but I am so happy that his struggle is over. Please keep his wife Tammy, children and church family in your prayers.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 21, 2020 marks Cornerstone Church's 25th Anniversary (April 21, 1996) The picture above is from our 2020 Easter Service conducted outside in the parking lot due to the Covid-19 situation. Robert Fellows (who has been with us since our Broken Bow, Nebraska days ushered, and Don Fleming who has been with us since 1998 set up our sound system to play through car fm radio. We had a great time, though unusual and a little awkward. 

My family and I moved to Jacksonville in July 1995 from Broken Bow, Nebraska to assist Pastor Larry Easton and International Christian Center who were going through one of the worst situations a church can endure. After almost a year, the burden fell to me entirely and we formed Cornerstone Church with a remnant of 84 people who became our charter members. We started in a 3,000 seat auditorium and have moved 5 times since to this location we are about to occupy on Atlantic Blvd.

We have seen most of the original people and many others come and go as people do through death, job transfers, being sent out to mission fields and other ministries, and of course, the occasional falling away. It has been challenging to my faith to say the least, but through it all God has sustained us, blessed us, and continued to use us for His Glory. I cannot say how many have been saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit, healed, delivered, discipled etc. I am not great at keeping statistics. I know it has been many here and abroad. I appreciate those few who are still working by my side to this day more than they will ever know. I can truly say, I have not been abandoned by God or my friends! There are many in the city (and worldwide) who still call me "Pastor" and for that I am thankful.

I never expected to celebrate our 25th anniversary this way. I will be making a special anniversary YouTube video for Sunday April 19th. ( and God willing we will meet soon to have a proper celebration. 

Though I am tempted to be nostalgic about the past and remember those who have passed through our lives, I am determined to be forward minded and ever hopeful that God will reveal His purposes for all that has happened and also bring about the long awaited spiritual renewal that we know is coming. I am hanging on, and hanging in, determined to reap the harvest we have been promised!

Thank you all who have been a part of this journey! God bless you for allowing us to come along side you and your families for the Glory of God and the expansion of His Kingdom in your hearts.

Pastor Ronny D. Thomason

Friday, April 3, 2020


My Grand Daughter is now 12 years old as of  April 2nd.  She is a wonderful young lady who loves Jesus, Family, Horses, Dogs, Cats etc. The most wonderful thing is that she loves me! She found her way into my heart the day she was born and has grown up there. I am very pleased with the person she became.. I am also proud of Aaron and Stephanie for the job they are doing with both Ethan and Marlee. I am so excited about the next 10 years of their lives. I know they are going to make some good, wise decisions and they have the boldness to go for the destiny God has placed before them.
Marlee's birth came at a time in my life when I needed a forward outlook. Something happened in me to cause me to want to live a long time!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

On this date, March 26, 1970 Fifty Years ago, I married Norma Joyce Pratt. For 33 of those years, she was faithfully and lovingly at my side through thick and thin in Pastoral ministry and raising our two children. They were great years, mostly because she was there. I miss her (Sept 4, 2003) but know that her reward in Heaven is great and her legacy lives on here. She is not forgotten!