Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Each day I marvel at the Wisdom of God! How magnificent and majestic is His Omniscient Mind! I am convinced that He has everything already figured out. He sees the end from the beginning and has everything planned out way ahead of time. I know that sometimes it appears that things are getting out of control. Events in today's news look like total chaos. People who look constantly on these present events run the risk of losing hope. But, if we continue to look at events through the eyes of our Great God, we gain His perspective. This is when hope revives, thrives, and becomes dominant. Seeing as God sees brings us out of fear, despair and helplessness into joy, peace and love that cannot be naturally understood. I am so glad I learned a very long time ago to always cast my cares upon the Lord with the understanding that He cares for me. We can easily get lost in the news of the day, but we must always turn our eyes upon Jesus. In His face, all earthly things grow strangely dim! I know I am using song lyrics and scripture verses, but what you are full of will come out eventually. What is pouring out of your mouth lately? Jesus said that we speak from the abundance of our heart. What is in your heart will manifest in your spoken words. What are you saying lately? What does it reveal about your heart's contents? If you do not like what you are hearing, flush out your heart with the "water of the Word". We can all use a good washing on a regular basis, right? God's Word will cleanse your mind and fill it with the mind of God. You will begin to look at life from God's perspective which will bring you to reality, truth and freedom. May HE bless you with His peace that passes understanding!

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