The whole Earth operates by the Law of seed time and harvest. Genesis 8:22 "While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."
Every living thing begins as a seed and produces more seeds for generational purposes. You began as a seed yourself and all you do is governed by this law. Your life is a seed that produces a harvest. Your words and deeds are seeds that produce a harvest.
The harvest is determined by what seed is planted. Genesis 1:11-12. This law prohibits any variance from this principle. Galatians 6:7 "God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
If people could just get this one thing into their heads, they would be able to predict their own harvest. i.e. If you plant corn seeds you can expect corn. If you love you will be loved. If you use angry words, people will respond angrily. etc, etc.
Going through life ignorant of this law of seed time and harvest will cause strange behavior, such as blaming everything on the devil or even God. Yes, God put this law into effect, but we are responsible for how we live accordingly. Do not blame God for a harvest you did not want when you planted the seed for just that!
Most of what we call "judgment" is simply the reaping of a harvest based on the seeds we ourselves have planted. It is not God beating up on us, but rather the fruits of our own wicked behavior. We live in a culture that does not understand this, so we do not take responsibility for the consequences of our own actions.
Can we pray for crop failure? We can, but do you really think God will suspend His own laws? Perhaps we should pray for His forgiveness and mercy as we repent of our disrespect for His laws. Make the law of seed time and harvest work for us rather than against us.
Think of your own mind as a fertile ground that will grow anything that is planted in it. Watch out for what enters there through the eyes and ears. Cast down every thought that could produces a bad harvest. Watch over each word that comes out of your mouth so that you only say what you want to grow.
Remember this always, "WHAT YOU SOW YOU GROW!"
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