Wednesday, August 28, 2019

In our ongoing efforts to connect with the people of Jacksonville Florida and beyond, we have decided to air a 60 second broadcast on The Promise at 100.7 F.M. during the noon hour Monday  through Friday. This will feature myself, our website (, Cornerstone Church, and a simple Gospel message. It will be brief, but to the point and upbeat with music. Why are we doing it this way? John 10:3-5 talks about the dynamic relationship between an appointed shepherd and the sheep that are assigned to his care. They hear his voice and follow him out to pasture. I believe that sheep without a shepherd need to hear the voice of their true shepherd, so I am putting my voice out there to connect with the people assigned to me. Jesus is the Great Shepherd. He gives access to the Flock of God. There is a Divine Principle at work here. Not everyone is going to hear my voice and come to my church, but those assigned to me will. Read John 10 for yourself and you will see this principle. I am not doing this to boost my own ego or to teach the Bible to the whole community. This is how God is leading me to some precious people who love God but have no connection to a true Pastor. Our city is filled with these folks and I hope a few will follow me as I follow the Lord!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunday August 18, 2019
Today we had Gary & Kathy Hines with us for the morning service. Gary is celebrating two years since his liver transplant at the Mayo Clinic. He and Kathy are long time friends that we met through our mutual friends Don and Cindy Normand. We have them staying in our home this weekend through Monday night. He goes to Mayo Tuesday for his two year check up. He is hoping they will release him for overseas missions travel. It is critical that he does not expose his liver to live viruses so they may not let him do that. Currently they are traveling in the U. S. teaching, preaching and raising support for other missionaries. They are an awesome couple and great friends. 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Fifteen years ago, yesterday (August 14) my son, Aaron married Stephanie Voight in a lovely wedding chapel in Amarillo, Texas. I was his Best Man, Randy Voight officiated, and Dr. Don Normand pronounced the Wedding Blessing.  It was a wonderful occasion. 15 years later, they are still happily married and living in Mesa, Arizona. Their children, Ethan and Marlee are both serving the Lord and excelling in their studies. Aaron and Stephanie are very much in love with each other and with the Lord. As his Dad, I could not be more pleased! I thank God for this special couple and have great appreciation for this anniversary milestone. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YOU TWO!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Happy Birthday Norma Joyce (PRATT) Thomason. Though you have been in Heaven for Sixteen years now, you still remain in our hearts and thoughts always. As Heaven draws nearer our reunion grows sweeter!