Saturday, April 27, 2019

I returned from my third short term mission trip to Yangon, Myanmar a week ago today. I traveled with Pastor Donald Byrd and John Armour to Yangon where we joined up with Adam & Julie Culp who came over from Nepal. We ministered together in. Summer Bible Camp at the Elim Children’s Home with Pastor Suan Go Khai then we taught for two days at Church on the Rock Bible College with Dr James Lun Sai. John Armour worked on water purification systems for Pastor Khai and for John Pongson. We returned home via Tokyo where we had a long layover. While in Tokyo we took a train downtown and walked to the Imperial Palace. We arrived home in time to be at the Resurrection Services   In our churches Sunday April 21st. We thank God for a fruitful and safe trip.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Heather Fawn Thomason was born on April 9, 1975 at Garland Memorial Hospital in Garland, Texas (a Dallas suburb) while we were living and pastoring a church in Rockwall, Texas. It is hard to imagine that she is a grown woman, living on her own in Amarillo, Texas. We are proud of her bold spirit, courage and strength in maintaining her close relationship to the Lord and how she wins souls like a true evangelist! With her, every person is valuable and winnable to Jesus. She works well with small children, teens, adults and senior citizens. We miss her a lot, but enjoy our face time video chats and phone calls. As her Dad, I am well pleased and wish her the best HAPPY BIRTHDAY ever and a great year filled with Holy Spirit empowered adventures!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


On Friday, March 29, 2019 we were expecting guests for dinner. Ruth asked me if I would make a quick trip to the grocery about a mile away and get a few things. No big deal right? After I picked up just a few things and headed back to home, a lady in a Toyota Corolla turned in front of me. I had no time to stop so I ran into her car, spinning her around. I pulled over to the side and rushed over to her car to discover two young boys sitting in the back seat, wide-eyed and scared, but not injured. The driver was not hurt either. For this I thanked God out loud! As in all situations like this, you play the event over and over in your mind in attempt to figure out what went wrong and how might you have prevented the accident. I do remember it happening and how I felt like a protective shield was all around me. It did not hurt. I was not injured. I know this was God's protection! The fact that the three people in the other car were not hurt either did not escape me! The aftermath of filling out police reports and pulling the bumper off so I could drive home took time and required patience, but I made it home in time for dinner with my praying friends. We spent the evening in the Presence of God who watches over His people with loving kindness and tender mercies.

As I reflect back on this incident, and other such events in my life, I am reminded once again how quickly things can change. A sudden accident, illness, act of crime, etc. can altar a person's life abruptly and often set them on a permanent course change. It could and often does end a person's life on this planet and sends him off into eternity. It then reminded me that I must at all times be ready for change. I must have my house in order and secure. I must not fear change, but meet it like any good Boy Scout---PREPARED! It is also important to listen to the Voice of God when He tries to give warning of things to come. I remember while at the grocery store thinking why did I get out in 5:00 traffic for salad dressing? Could it be.....was God trying to warn me? He is so faithful to help us if we will let Him.

People talk a lot (in my circles) about how Jesus is coming very soon. I believe He is definitely, but He could come for you even before the Big Event! Are you ready?