Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Adam and Julie Culp, Nepal


This picture of me and Adam Culp was taken at a coffee shop in Kathmandu, Nepal back in February 2020. Ruth and I were there with Adam & Julie Culp to Teach in a Ministry Training Center founded by Adam and to speak at the First Annual Nepal Kingsway Fellowship Int'l Minister's Conference.  Both events were highly successful and we had a great time making new friends.  Little did we know that from just a few miles east of where we were, a Chinese plague was already being unleashed upon the world. Within days of our return home, the world shut down. Air traffic from Asia was stopped and many missionaries were stranded and unable to get back to the United States. This included Adam and Julie and  their five children.  Through a series of events and by God's Grace, they eventually got out of Nepal and back to the States. Nepal has been shut down since March.  The Culps arrived back in Tulsa and are making preparations to return to Nepal in a few months.  In the mean-time they are traveling in the United States to meet their supporters and make new contacts.  It is their plan to raise the funds necessary to return to Nepal and continue being a blessing to that nation.

They arrived at our home yesterday. They will be ministering in our Wednesday mid week service tonight (Dec 9) and staying for next Sunday morning (Dec 13) before heading back to Tulsa where they are based.

I have known Adam and Julie since the early 1990's when I first met them at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa. They were students and friends of my daughter Heather during her time at ORU. Through Heather, I met these fine folks as well others.  In the years to follow, we have become close friends and ministry colleagues. I traveled to India, Myanmar and Nepal with Adam. Just a few years ago, at my insistence, Adam joined Kingsway Fellowship In'tl and has now established KFI in Nepal as a national organization giving credentials and support to a growing number of ministers. Many of these ministers have been serving God in a harsh environment without any covering or encouragement. Now they have an international ministry organization behind them thanks to Adam's efforts.  It is my joy to have been a part of this effort.

I grew up supporting missionaries. They have a special place in my heart and vision. It is always a delight to meet people who give up everything to take the Gospel to the Nations. Adam and Julie Culp are two of the most dedicated and selfless people I have ever known. Their whole family is committed to going where others will not go. They endure hardness and suffer deprivation willingly in order to establish God's work in remote places.  With Adam, I personally have been to the ends of the earth! 

I can without reservation, totally recommend this couple to you for love, support, partnership and prayers.

You can contact Adam at: or give directly through:$fhgttn

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