Monday, April 27, 2020

I was told again recently that my sermons would be a lot shorter if I would not use so much Scripture. Well, first of all, I LOVE the Scriptures! It is the Word of God that the Wise Man  said was more precious than gold or silver.(Proverbs 3:13-16). This is the Word that produces faith in us (Romans 10:17) which is important since we cannot please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).  Secondly, my sermons are not long (25-45 minutes on average). If anything, I should increase the amount of Scripture in my sermons because so many people are woefully lacking in faith and truly ignorant of the Word of God. In fact, the great preachers (Jesus included) preached and taught for hours at a time. Once the Apostle Paul preached all night, stopping only briefly to raise a youth from the dead who fell asleep and fell out a window. He went on to preach until the sunrise the next morning. And lastly, in all humility, I don't really know much apart from the Word of God. I have made it my life's purpose to study the scriptures for in them I learn more about Jesus (John 5:39) and to preach the Word of God because that is what I was called of God to do way back when I was 16 years old. (2 Tim 4:2). I know that in order for people to be saved, they have to hear the Word preached (Romans 10:8) for faith to be present in them to be saved. Apart from the Holy Scripture, I am as ignorant as the rest of the lost world. (Romans 1;18)
Someone once asked me, "Don't you know anything apart from the Bible?" My answer is this, "since Jesus Christ is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, does it not make sense to start and finish with Him in all pursuit of truth?" (Colossians 2:3)
I just don't understand why anyone would think that I use too many Scriptures in my sermons!

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